So many bereaved parents appreciate being able to light a candle in memory of their little ones lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death, so I thought to myself that maybe kids would like to do the same! From that, I created this Memorial Candle Craft, an alternative to a real candle that a child can craft themselves and put in a special place of their own!
For this craft you will need:
a cardboard tube
one red sheet of construction paper
one yellow sheet of construction paper
glue (I used ModPodge, but any kind is fine)
white paper
paint (in the color of your choice)

Here's how to do it:
1. Paint the cardboard tube with your paint color of choice. Consider, what color may help to remind you of your sibling still? Maybe it is a color you associate with the gender or a color that has a particular meaning.

2. Cut out a piece from the white paper to create a label. Mine is approximately 3 inches by 2 inches.

3. Design your label. I chose to write "In memory of Jessie," but you can write anything on it in honor of your sibling still. Use the markers to create your own decorations on the label.

4. Glue the label onto the cardboard tube.

5. On the yellow sheet of paper, make marks to measure out the width of the cardboard tube. If using a toilet paper roll, the width will be about 2 inches.

6. Sketch out a flame shape with the width of the flame at the bottom being the width you measured out in the last step. Cut out the flame.

7. Sketch out a smaller flame shape on the red. Cut out the red flame.

8. Glue the red flame onto the middle of the yellow flame.

9. Make two notches with scissors on the top of the cardboard roll in the two places where the label ends.

10. Slip the flame into these notches.

Voila! Now you have a candle that will never go out and always shine brightly in memory of your sibling still! If you have more than one sibling still, feel free to customize each candle for each sibling. Play around with different paint colors, label designs, even heights of the candles.

My daughter and I originally created this candle at Christmas time. Just like this memorial Snowflake Craft, it looked right at home with our wintery decorations. However, we've left it up on our mantle for years now, and it is treasured at every season! I hope that this can be a special decoration in your house that you and your family cherish!