I recently was taking photos of my youngest child when I realized that it would be nice to do a family portrait. But that thought gave me some anxiety. I wanted to have a nice photo of our family, but I hated that my two babies who died would never be able to be physically present in a family photo.
That made me start thinking of the lovely photos I've seen from other families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death to include their deceased babies. I reached out and asked fellow bereaved parents on Instagram to share their family photos that include a representation of a deceased child.
I was sent tons of wonderful pictures that I feel honored to share with you here. For those who want to do a family portrait to include a representation of children who are deceased but are not sure how, I hope that these beautiful pictures below provide inspiration!
Parents and Children



(The moon necklace above is a symbol for this mama's baby who was stillborn. "I love you to the moon and back" is the phrase that reminds her of him.)

I should note that some of these families included a representation of their baby who died at the suggestion of a living sibling. How precious is that?!
Have you ever taken a family portrait including a representation of a baby who died? Plan to take one since viewing this blog and getting ideas? I'd love to see it! Feel free to send it to me at mlacourrege1 (at) gmail (dot) com. Let me know in your email if you'd like to have it included in this blog!